Poku-soft cuddly toy 25 cm


Shipping cost via parcel machine 3.50 EUR


Poku´s are the characters of the self-written and drawn children’s book – “Pokuraamat” by the illustrator-artist Edgar Valter. Edgar Valter chose small natural sedges as the prototype for the parts, which are so modest and quiet that you can easily walk past them. Edgar Valter has given them life, thoughts and visuals.

Once again, a real and our own Estonian book character, who has been given a nice cuddly shape! Poku’s cuddly visual and appearance has been approved by Edgar Valter’s heir, Külli Leppik.

This one is a “tiny” copy of the big 55 cm Poku – exactly one-to-one, but a little smaller – 25 cm in size! In other respects, it’s just as cute and nice fur ball 🙂

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